10 Features to look for while choosing a HR software in Canada

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10 Features to look for while choosing a HR software in Canada

HR software in Canada is an important tool for businesses to manage employees and measure their performance and growth. Before choosing HR Software Canada, make sure to consider all of your feature requirements and look for the 10 key features: payroll and automatic tax filing, absence management, timely notifications, training and support 24/7, employee progress tracking, scheduling, user-friendliness, cost-effective, reduction in administrative burdens, and flexibility.


The primary responsibility of the HR department is to track, measure and scale employee growth. Organizations can easily manage this task by installing HR software. Before deciding on the best HR software in Canada for your company, you should write down all of your requirements and become familiar with the various functionalities of the software.

The work culture of your company determines all of your requirements. If your company encourages learning, you should choose software that includes robust learning management Software in Canada.

If your company values performance, use performance-based software. Overall, the main goal of HR software in Canada is to manage all your employees and measure their growth efficiently. 

HR software is not just for the HR department. It is about the whole organization. Businesses can improve communication and collaboration between departments and levels of the organization by automating and digitizing HR procedures. While writing down all of your feature requirements, keep the following HR software features in mind.

10 features to look for while choosing HR software in Canada 

  • Payroll and automatic tax filing

The most important feature of HR software Canada is automatic payroll disbursement and easy taxation evaluation. Is the software capable of integrating tax filing practices? The essential feature is tracking that each employee has been compensated appropriately at the right time.

Proper tax filing is critical, and all software should be capable of evaluating tax filing. Manual tax calculation takes time and has the potential for errors. The ideal software should be able to compute the precise amount of taxation. To avoid any error or intervention by the federal, state, or local governments. The software should be capable of automatically filing the T4A document, representing how much the company has paid its employees.

  • Absence management

The days of the HR department handling absence management procedures on spreadsheets, e-mails, or paper-based systems are long gone. All aspects of absence management are easily managed by modern HR software.

Employee self-service should be included in the HR software in Canada. This feature allows managers and employees to submit planned or unplanned leaves manually. The calendar's real-time view gives the manager a complete picture of the team's attendance. Good HR software should also be capable of calculating leave entitlements automatically. The ideal software should also be able to support a variety of leave types.

  • Timely notification

The ideal HR software in Canada should be able to send out timely reminders about company events, seminars, employee training, holidays, and other important company communications. The HR software should include a company calendar feature that displays information about all company events and communications. In addition, the software should be capable of sending timely notifications, emails, or alerts regarding all events.

This is a minor feature, but it can be extremely beneficial to your company. Employees can use the company calendar feature to plan accordingly without encountering any leave issues with the company. Employees can also manage their leaves effectively.

  • Training and support 24/7

Is the software company offering comprehensive training on all HR software in Canada features? Employees can use these features to manage all HR software in Canada functions without contacting the HR department repeatedly.     

Look into the company's customer service as well. There is a chance that the software contains numerous bugs or errors. The ideal HR software in a Canadian company should offer its clients 24-hour support. After all, nobody knows when a bug or error can occur.

  • Employee progress tracking

The ideal HR software in Canada should be capable of precisely tracking the progress of individual employees as well as the team as a whole. Employee performance must be measured to make informed decisions about employee appraisals and termination. The ideal software should be able to track employee progress, task progress, the time required to complete a specific task, real-time task status, and so on.

The software should be able to generate reports based on the tasks assigned and based on employee performance. Most software includes learning management software in Canada functionality for employee learning/training. Upload e-learning courses, assign training materials to specific individuals or groups, and automate tracking and outcome evaluation.

  • Scheduling 

All HR software should include a feature called scheduling. You must use this feature to schedule meetings and shifts. This feature increases productivity if you use software instead of doing it by hand. This helps to organize your company. The fact that the software can send email reminders is an added bonus. 

  • User-friendliness

As previously stated, HR software is not limited to the HR department. The ideal software should be simple to use, and any level of the employee should be able to use it. We believe that the most important feature should be the software's speed. If the software is slow, your daily tasks will inevitably slow, which is not advisable for an organization.

If your organization's HR software does not have an intuitive user interface, employees and HR staff will become frustrated and perplexed. The company's productivity will suffer, and HR staff will be less able to concentrate on strategic planning thanks to the software. Employees will feel more at ease and find it easier to use HRMS software in Canada with a well-designed user interface. As a result, the HR department will have less work and more time to devote to other important business processes.

  • Cost-effective

The software must be reasonably priced and cost-effective. This implies that businesses must pay for the features that they are using. Many software, like uKnowva HRMS, has the option for customization. The entire software can be tailored to meet your business's needs. Organizations need to pay for the features they use; there is no need to pay for superfluous functions. Resulting in cost savings for businesses and optimum utilization of resources.

  • Reduction in administrative burdens

Unfortunately, every aspect of our daily lives has been digitally transformed. Half of the HR processes still involve time-consuming and tedious manual paperwork. Organizations can easily reduce administrative burdens by utilizing HR software. 

The HR department's daily tasks include conducting hundreds of interviews, evaluating the right candidate, offering the appropriate salary, onboarding tasks, employee training, and so on. HR software should be able to manage all HR activities from a single dashboard.

  • Flexibility  

Well-defined workflows provide structure to your business operations. They automate repetitive tasks and deliver consistent results. An organization can run smoothly if it has easy access to HR software. The organization's human resource software must be accessible from anywhere in the world. You will be unable to carry out your operations smoothly if the software's operational aspect is not simple.

Individual employee progress should be measured and scaled by the software. If there are any errors in the data entry, it should be flexible in terms of altering, editing, or changing. The software's overall functionality should be simple to use and navigate.

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