Mockup Clips

Mockup Clips

By Mockup Clips

Onetime(Perpetual License)

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Mockup Clips is a WireFrame Tool. It allows you to playback in real time through your browser. Comes with accurate object tracking for results that look realistic. You get access to full control over colour settings and reflections. commercial licence with no royalties. Export in stunning 4K or Full HD resolution. It has a vast list of features such as - View a 360p video preview right now and edit it within the browser. Easy quick changes, adjust the parameters for reflection and colour. Change between templates quickly while keeping the uploaded media, then buy when you're ready. You can capture screenshots by providing a website URL to auto generate an image. One of its most beneficial features is its precise object tracking – their advanced AI produces customized motion tracking data for accurate outcomes. Once obtained you can easily edit the content within your browser. It supports HD & 4K Output allowing you to render high quality ProRes and H264 video files. They provide commercial licenses for all the videos created using their platform. You have Royalty-free use of your final video render.

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