Limeade ONE

Limeade ONE

By Limeade ONE

Onetime(Perpetual License)

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Limeade ONE is a platform from the Limeade organization that helps companies build workplaces that provide great experiences for their employees. The companies can reach out to every employee within their organization, understand their concerns, and address these concerns by providing resources, activities, or specific programs. The platform works by focusing on employee well-being, engagement, and inclusion. Physical, emotional, financial, and even work well-being of the employees is ensured through reassurances of care and support, as well as by providing meaningful solutions for their issues. Limeade ONE is available as individual solutions or can even work as an integrated platform throughout the organization. The employees feel cared for by their organization, feel included and engaged at work, have low work stress and fatigue, and are encouraged to be loyal to the organization for a longer duration, resulting in a better work environment and better productivity of the employees.

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