
By AdPuzl

AdPuzl helps brands with understanding the strategies related to ad campaigns on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. The software solves the confusion of apprehension of the target audience. Besides, it helps in building and launching campaigns, especially for owners of small enterprises. It is difficult for brands to comprehend the strategies of social media marketing so AdPuzl assists with the creation and launching of campaigns without the necessity of complex mechanisms. It provides an understanding of how to choose the target audience and what is the pattern of browsing among them. After confirming the target the platform asks for confirmation to launch the ads automatically on Instagram and Facebook. Furthermore, to attract the audience the software has over 1000 images to choose from which are of high quality. Hence, the platform eases the process by competing for advertising marketing in four easy steps. That is first select the goal then create an appropriate ad. Proceeded by building an audience on social media and launching the campaign.